The purpose...
  1. To regulate development throughout the area (residential, commercial, industrial, agriculture, etc)
  2. To provide/maintain common infrastructure for all development (roads, drains, street lights, parking, traffic management, landscape, etc)
  3. To provide/maintain basic recreation (fields, parks, community halls, library? - this list is quite subjective as to how far council should go in providing, and how much we should rely on private sources)
  4. To maintain a decent level of hygiene
  5. To regulate business activity (including providing infrastucture such as modern wet markets)
  6. Waste Management / To collect rubbish (domestic waste only, not industrial waste)
Other non-core activities could include (subject to taxpayer wanting to foot the bill)
  1. Welfare
  2. Cultural & Sports
  3. Public Transport
  4. Security Services - Patroling, etc