The meeting with IKRAM @ MPSJ at 3:30pm today:

1. The timings shown on the powerpoints slides that are with me, Hannah, Arvin (and I don't know who else has it) has not been used since May 2009.

2. Upon implementation in May 2009, IKRAM and MPSJ set up camp for one week to monitor the implementation. During that implementation, a number of changes were made to the original proposal approved. (unfortunately, no one bothered to tell the councillors/adun).

3. The timings that IKRAM/MPSJ Engineering finally agreed upon was then documented and sent to MPSJ by IKRAM in a project completion report in July 2009. So, there is the proposed timing and implemented timing, both of which is quite different. Then there is also current timing, which is what is measure/programmed today. Finally there's I think one of the key differences during AM peak is Tujuan turning right into SS19 instead of 20sec its 30sec/50sec.

4. While proposed timing and implemented timing is quite different, implemented timing and current timing is nearly the same. For AM peak, the difference is that after 7:15am the SS19 turn right changes from 50sec to 30sec, whereas for current timing, that happens at 7:30pm.

5. Actions to be taken tonight by contractor (or latest tomorrow)
J10 (SS19) AM peak - to revert to implemented timing
J11 (USJ2) AM peak - alreaidy implemented timing, no changes
J10 PM Peak - already implemented timing. To extend PM peak to 430pm-830pm from current 6pm-8pm
J11 PM Peak - already implemented timing. To extend PM peak to 430pm-830pm from current 5pm-8pm

To be honest, I can't be certain when implemented timing moved current timing, but MPSJ Engineering says it was done during a site visit by IKRAM (Mr Tan, who is no longer working with IKRAM) somewhere in July/Aug last year.

If after this minor changes has been done, the condition is not satisfactory, then it means that the traffic patterns/volume has changed, and we need to go thru a whole new traffic study/implement a new system.