30th April 2013

Dear Residents of Bukit Gasing,

I have signed your petition entitled “Petition to all GE13 candidates standing for election on issues relating to Bukit Gasing and Section 5 Petaling Jaya sustainable living issues” that was presented to me as I understand the importance of the core issues to the residents, and am fully supportive of the spirit behind each matter.

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts and convictions on the matters raised in the petition.

A. Protection of Bukit Gasing & Development

1. Landslides are a major concern along the hill slopes of Bukit Gasing, and I have witnessed the negative impact of the numerous recent landslides. I pledge to uphold the green lung designation of the PJ side of Bukit Gasing, and to not support the alienation of any new land on Bukit Gasing to private developers for any new development.

2. The maintenance of the hill slope of Bukit Gasing is crucial to preventing further landslides & mudslides. Landowners, both private and public, must take responsibility in this. In cases where neglect/abandonment by landowners result in danger to the lives of residents, I am open to push for the forfeiture of land by the state.

3. Any proposal to develop privately owned land on Bukit Gasing must be scrutinized to the highest degree --  which includes independent geological studies; and done so in a transparent manner by engaging all stakeholders, while being in compliance with all related planning laws and guidelines.

4. The rebuilding of the Sivan Temple is of very high priority, and I will make efforts to ensure that it is implemented with sensitivity and in compliance with all laws and regulations.

B. Traffic Congestion

I fully agree that traffic congestion is a serious concern (as highlighted in Point  7). These are the items that I will be championing if I am elected into office:

1. There must be a proper plan to overcome and tackle peak hour congestions, which I will champion to be created by an independent and qualified traffic consultant. I will push to ensure that this will be implemented by MBPJ.

2. In instances of unavoidable or necessary development, I will speak out to ensure that requirements are imposed to the developer/ development to contribute cost towards the implementation of traffic plans and additional public infrastructure to mitigate traffic congestion.
These issues which are important to you, are important to me. I believe the petition is a start towards engaging closer with the community in finding the best solution. I look forward to continuously communicating with you through the various means we have; be it in person through our town hall sessions and service center, or through our online channels.

Rajiv Rishyakaran
DAP Candidate for the 13th General Elections for state seat N34 Bukit Gasing